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!!!!! Postanatal eclampsia !!!!!

05.02.2011 - 14:53:25



Eclampsia, known also as galactopyra, childbed tetany, lactation tetany or hypocalcaemia, is an acute disease of lactating animals accompanying by tonic and clonic convulsions and consciousness defect, eventually by death. Eclampsia affects bitches especially during the first 4 weeks post partum (mostly in the period of maximum lactation). In smaller degree this disease also occurs in a gestation period (about 20 days before birth) and rarely also in the later period of lactation. Mostly little and middle breed with above-average milk-production or restless bitches taking care of litter of bigger amount of puppies are affected. On the basis of proved changes in metabolism there is considered hypocalcaemia to be the main cause of eclampsia – i.e. drawndown of calcium in blood under limit 1,7 mmol/l. However, it is important to be aware that it does not necessarily need to deal with the total deficit of calcium in the body, but affection of rate of concentration of ionized calcium and calcium related to proteins. This dysbalance can result from several causes. For instance alkalosis participates in reduction of ionized form of calcium in extracellural fluid. Respiratory alkalosis is the result of the processes connected with hyperventilation. The major share of the rise of the fall of the concentration of Ca 2+ represents also nutrition of gravid animal. Above-average supply of calcium during pregnancy can have a negative influence post partum.

Via negative bond comes to hypofunction of parathyreoidea and then consequently after birth from the reason of its lower function and higher losts of milk normocalcemia does not hold. On the fall of ionized form of calcium can participate also plant phytates, often involved in wrong diets. The first symptoms are characterized by exhuastion of animal, unrest, nervousness (anxiety, disorientation) and puppies resistance. Even head rubbing of the ground belongs to the first symptoms. Then comes thirstiness, hypersalivation, tachypnoea and first changes in function of locomotive organs. They are presented at first by amyostasia, subsequently shifting to tonic and clonic convulsions. A bitch is not capable of movement coordination, while trying to walk, she falls down and later is not able to stand up. As a result of spasm of muscle a hyperthermia on 41 C develops, together with miosis and mydriasis, frequency pulse and mucosa hyperemia. An animal that was not treated gets shock, has a dry and pale mucosa, dilated pupillas and subnormal temperature. Death becomes as a result of breathing depression, hyperthermia and cerebral edema. Eclampsia has a progressive course!! The period since the first symptoms to development of the total clinical picture takes from 15 minutes to 12 hours. Medical treatment should be proceeded immediately after recognition of main symptoms; it is not recommended to wait for diagnosis confirmation by biochemical results. The first step is intravenous calcium application. We use 10% gluconate or calcium borogluconate in the dose of 100mg/kg of live mass – application should be in any case done slowly in the course of permanent checking of heart activity. In case of vomiting, irregular rhythm, fibrillation, i.e. marks of quick application, overdose or application of too cold solution, it is necessary to break the treatment immediately and continue after condition stabilization. In case that no corresponding response on the treatment comes, it is possible to repeat treatment immediately on condition of keeping all requirements mentioned before. After intravenous application should follow s.c., i.m. calcium application or per os application to prevent from reccurence. It is possible to place puppies in 2 hours after the treatment to the bitches, whose reaction on the treatment was good, however, for a few minutes only and then try to detach them quickly. There is need to put the bitch on a diet – feeding 1 times a day for 2 - 3 days (eliminate milk and cottage), to keep 1 puppy, others place to her. The bitch has to be monitored even at night. It is recommended to detach puppies temporarily and provide artificial feeding for young animals. The decision about continuation of nutrition of puppies depends on their age, ability of a keeper to take care of them and response of the bitch on the treatment. In case of a big hyperthermia it is recommended to give an ice or alcohol bath. The effect of the therapy is usually evident and rapid. The response on the treatment of the bitches secondarily afficted also by hypoglycaemia is not so evident.. We dose them 10-20% glucose i.v. The prevention is not absolutly known. A small number of puppies and their early detachment have a possitive effect. The bitches, to whom eclampsia develop during every lactation, should not be included in the stallion program at all. It is important to provide an adequate nutrition for the bitches in pup and lactation. It is necessary to avoid the feed with high content of phylates, which are included particularly in soya. Not to provide preventively larger quantity of calcium within gestation period. An early detach of puppies is appropriate. It is recommended to provide prophylactic feed of calcium salts for bitches in lactation during full lactation in the dose of 1 – 3 g per day, but do pay attention on the risk of homeostasis affection. Another supplements of vitamins and minerals are not recommended, it is more suitable to provide boiled feeding ration, the best in the form of complete feeding for pregnant and lactating bitches. (professional literature for vets: Diseases of dogs and cats)